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Giving - ways to support us

Financial Support

Keeping an old church going from generation to generation isn't easy; if you are able to help us with a donation of whatever size, we would be most grateful. Practically speaking, our activity demands expenditure on a number of fronts;


- facilitating uplifting and reverent worship

- deepening our spiritual awareness of Christ and his relevance to humanity

- bringing people to baptism or confirmation

- encouraging and supporting a sense of community

- offering pastoral care in the parish and beyond to whoever is in need, and ministering to the sick, the dying and the bereaved, at home, in hospital or wherever necessary

- maintaining the church building, parish hall and churchyard, in good order


These are just some of our endeavours, and we are exceedingly grateful for whatever help you can give.

You can provide financial support in the following ways:

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You can make a one-off donation directly into our Church bank account using the following details.

Account Name: St. Andrew's Parochial Church Council

Account Number: 60787353

Sort Code: 20-95-61

Please use the word 'donation' as a reference.

We are able to claim Gift Aid on donations, so if you are a UK tax payer, please do let us know by emailing Sarah ( that you have made a donation, and that it will qualify for Gift Aid. 

You can use the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) to set up a regular payment to us.

Please click this link: 

Home - Parish Giving Scheme 

to read further information on this nationwide scheme. 

If you would prefer a paper application pack, please contact Sarah ( / 020 8446 1417).


A gift in your Will can help your church carry on its vital work day after day, year after year.  It can also make a lasting difference by enabling your church to achieve something that it would not normally be able to do.  If you want to, you can channel your gift to mission or community projects, to maintenance of the church fabric, to youth work or music or to any other aspect of church life that matters to you.

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Volunteering Time & Talents

​We understand that for some, it is not possible to help us financially as much as they might like, but many contribute in a very big way by volunteering their time and their talents to St. Andrew's.


This is something that we are always hugely grateful for, whether it be arranging flowers, singing in the choir, playing the piano, cleaning the church, writing something for the magazine, making cakes, welcoming people into church, laundering the altar cloths, polishing the high altar front till it gleams, selling raffle tickets or playing Father Christmas!.


All are great gifts, and there are many more.


- Church, Churchyard & Parish Hall fabric

- Pastoral Need

- Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults

- Social Committee

- Finance Committee

- Website Committee

- Flower Arranging Team

- Church Cleaning Team

- Coffee Rota Volunteers

- Electoral roll management

- Parish Magazine - sales and contributions

- Parish Hall Bookings Management

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